Saturday, July 19, 2014

Conference Countdown= Five Days!

It's that time of year again... time for Stuebenville Northwest! My church homies and I have started getting ready for it. Getting ready basically means bonding. Like the lock-in at my house last night. And fundraising. Because we are all broke high schoolers. The conference is literally only five days away. And I am excited for it this time :)

We had a lock-in for the teens at my house last night so everybody could get to know each other better before we all go and bawl our eyes out every day/ laugh like freaks at dumb things next week. We started out with adoration/praise and worship, then we came back to my house for the debriefing. After that we played some night Frisbee (dangerous, especially when you don't have a light up Frisbee :) and some link tag (more dangerous), finishing up with a never ending game of "I have never" (the most dangerous game, like, ever in my life). I have a bruised knee. Why? From Connor slamming his knee into mine as we both attempted to sit in the same seat. I have a sore rib. Why? From Michael hip checking me in the side as I (successfully, I might add :) attempted to steal his chair. By the end of the night, people were falling over backwards in their chairs from the intensity (aka Jenn LOL :) and having ultimate face-offs to see who could sneakily slide their booty into the spot before the other person. It was awesome :)

After that girls slept downstairs, boys upstairs. Apparently, the girls were being "loud" and the boys were trying to eavesdrop on us. The next morning they confessed that they picked up bits and pieces of our conversation, which sent us girls in a panic trying to recall what we were talking about (since of course we were talking about them :) :) :) JK :) It's okay though because we accidentally got back at them before we'd even known what they were trying to do- We quietly snuck upstairs in the morning to go for a coffee run, but the door from the stairs was squeaking really loudly, which made us all giggle, then Maggie accidentally knocked over the broom, which went crashing down and woke the poor boys up. Oh well. At least we brought them coffees home :)

After breakfast, everybody went down to the church for a car wash to raise money to pay for the expenses. We had a blast, making fools of ourselves waving signs and pointing arrows on the street corners and making McDonald's runs. It was also the perfect opportunity to soak people while having a good excuse. We had way too much fun doing that I think, although now, along with my injured knee and ribs, my legs and arms are sore from the six hours of washing cars :) Oh well. I may not get out of bed tomorrow, but it was fun while it lasted.

Justin, Kim, and me chilling out at the car wash.
Just FYI, Justin actually wasn't' supposed to be in the picture. He totally photo bombed us, yet somehow made it look like he was meant to be there all along :)

This entire year, I have been so blessed to make friends within my church. I've always had plenty of non-Catholic friends, but now, I'm starting to get really strong relationships with people of my same faith. And I love it. Being able to talk about my faith without explaining it has been so freeing. Even without having gone to the conference yet, I can tell that we are going to have a good time.

I have a feeling it's gonna be a good summer.

"We don't even have to try, it's always a good time!" Owl City


  1. I have a big frown on my face :( I wish I had been there! I can't wait to see you Dani!

  2. Sounds like fun! I'm so glad God has provided magnificent friendships and community in your life lil sis! Love you and miss you! You are such a lovely young woman.
