Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thanks, but I'll pass next time...

I passed out today, people. For the first time ever, and hopefully, the last time ever.

First off, I would like to say that fainting is not glamorous, as some romance movies would have us believe. Maybe it's because I actually fell onto the ground instead of into Mr. Perfect's arms (because, of course, he is always there at the exact moment needed). I didn't wake up to a robust man stroking my hair and pleading for me to wake up because he desperately needed me in his life.

Nope, I woke up with a headache. And with my younger siblings standing over me asking, "Dani, are you dead?"

Passing out isn't at glorious as I first thought. I've practiced all sorts of falls for acting, so the real thing shouldn't hurt that bad, right? Wrong. It hurts. It's traumatizing (I spent 20 minutes in the bathroom sobbing afterwords). And if I had the choice, I would never do it again. Not even into Mr. Perfect's arms. Nothing doing.

I guess I don't really have the choice though. I mean honestly, I wasn't planning on fainting today.

I didn't think walking from the sink to the couch was going to knock me flat on my face. I was terribly dizzy, and my only thought was to get to the couch. But unfortunately, I only made it halfway before I "fell asleep" and started thinking all these weird, random thoughts. I woke up with a blasting headache- It turns out the side of my glasses nailed the side of my head and went flying off my face (but thank God they didn't break). 

Passing out was more than painful- it was scary. My brother fainted in a doctor's office and needed emergency brain surgery because of it. I could've been hurt very badly. What if I'd been on my way down the stairs? What if I'd have hit my head on the door frame or fridge (which could've happened)? But instead, my head fell onto my volleyball bag filled with exercise clothes. It was like a perfect little pillow set up just for me. I have a feeling there was some divine intervention going on there! And I am so grateful to God for the way He protected me.  

Anyways, I hope none of you ever have to face the trauma of passing out. And if you do, I pray you've got a strong, handsome man behind to catch you!


  1. I also forgot to mention- if none of this makes sense to you, try to remember that I DID hit my head this morning and I may still be rather fuzzy :)

  2. The last time I got a phone call about someone passing out, it was Steph about Brandon and we all know how that ended. :( I'm so glad your Mr. Perfect Jesus caught you and not some sleaze ball I'd have to take out. Be grateful ;) hehehe Lord bless the mister who comes between me and MY sister! hehe

    1. I didn't even think about that, you genius! JESUS IS MY MR. PERFECT!!! I feel warm and fuzzy inside (emotionally... and mentally. But mostly emotionally :)
