Sunday, August 11, 2013

The way to my heart is through my... elliptical machine?!?

The other day, my two guy friends came over to help me clean out our shop. It was quite an adventure- sweeping up cobwebs and killing spiders, taking the back door off of our house to move the treadmill out to the shop... Their muscles proved handy in more than one instance though :)

As Jacob and Eric moved our elliptical machine across the lawn to the shop, I realized how awesome it would be to have somebody on the elliptical while they carried it. I mentally added this to my ever-expanding bucket list and briefly mentioned it to the guys (I think you know where I am going with this :) Of course (them being the wonderful, awesome, muscle men they are :) they told me they'd do it right then. I'm sure it was craziest thing my neighbors have seen me do yet, but I've never been so happy to look so ridiculous...

I am totally cracking up as I look at this...
I can't believe they actually walked with me on this.
I can't believe I had the guts.  

Sometimes my life is a nightmare, sometimes it's beautiful. Other times, it's just plain wacky! But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love who I am and love those who are a part of my adventure. Whether I'm being carried like a queen by the guys or crying alone in my room, I know I am loved. I don't have to pretend- yeah, sometimes, I can be an idiot. Sometimes I can be a brat. And sometimes I can be really fun. But it doesn't matter- I know God loves me, and I don't have to hide my true self. This realization has given me strength to do some of the coolest, scariest, and best experiences of my life. And there is never a dull moment!

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