Sunday, December 1, 2013

All I want for Christmas

Today is the first day of December, and people have already been asking me what I want for Christmas. And until today, I had no idea.

At first, I was really practical about it, thinking, "Okay, so how about Mom pays for my tuition as a Christmas present? Or maybe some self-help books, cause I could probably use those..." However, my mom shot my ideas down from the sky. She said that Christmas gifts should come from the heart and shouldn't just be a roll-over of something she was already going to give me anyway. Yeah, yeah I see the point. I guess it wouldn't really be very special- it's like getting white socks for Christmas. It's never happened to me, but I imagine it would not be very exciting... Getting underwear is fun though :)

ANYWAYS, today I figured out what I want. And it all started with a hairdo.

I am going through a phase (some may say an identity crisis) where I am super into old school. The past couple weeks, I've been rocking the nerd glasses and leggings. So tonight for church, I styled my hair like I was straight out of Full House. I've never felt so free!

Finally, when I was driving the clan home tonight, it hit me. "Mom," I said. "All I want for Christmas is leg warmers."

And I'm not even kidding. I think I may have discombobulated Mom a little bit... I keep telling her all the old stuff is back in again, but she shakes her head and tells me that she lived through the "old stuff" and it was NOT cool. Denial.

Anyways, leg-warmers are on the top of my wish list, for all you who were wondering. And who knows, maybe when you see me wearing them, I'll look like the lovely chic below. You all know I would, too :)


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