Sunday, April 20, 2014

What a glorious sacrifice

The longer I'm alive, the more I wonder and marvel at the beauty of the Resurrection story. Every year, the glory and greatness of the power of God becomes more real and tangible through the celebration of Easter. As I've grown older, I've come to appreciate so much more the life that was brought to the world the day Christ defeated death by rising from the grave. I see how this unfathomable occasion changed my life, but I don't think I will ever be able to grasp how this event actually changed my life. That through the cross and bloodshed that 2000 years ago, and ultimately, in His glorious resurrection, I can live in freedom and peace in Jesus Christ. This is not only an awe-inspiring event, but one I cannot wrap my human mind around. What love He has for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He paid the ultimate penalty, yet so often we Christians take that sacrifice for granted.

How many times have I carelessly thrown aside the grace God offers me through His Son's blood? How many times have I been willingly ignorant and unaccepting of the totally faithful love Christ constantly offers to me through his scarred hands and pierced side? How many times do I grieve the Spirit of God when I brush Him aside and take no notice of His presence? How many times have I wounded the heart of the Lord? Too many to count.

I remember the days when I cared more about my Easter dress and eating candy then I cared about remembering the glorious Resurrection of Christ. I remember the days when I was so focused on Easter being the day when Lent was OVER that I forgot it wasn't always about the sugar. I remember the days when I realized how little self-control I actually had during Lent, only to spend the next 40 days complaining instead of offering it up to God. Oh wait. "Those days" aren't far behind me. In fact, these are the things I struggle with to this day. Praise God for His unfailing graces.

The 40 days of fasting is over, and the 50 days of celebrating has begun. However, I want to encourage all of you NEVER to forget the depth of His sacrifice or the power in His resurrection. Remember always that Christ is our hope and our life. To Him be all glory forever!

"Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people, and hallelujah is our song!" Pope St. John Paul II

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