Monday, November 18, 2013

Facepalm moments

If I could sum up my life in one quote, it might sound a little like this: "Sometimes you embarrass me." (Tarzan, anyone??) Sadly, this is very true. Let me enlighten you.

First off, my "most embarrassing moment" changes about every 2 weeks. There's not one time where I really made a fool of myself... it seems to happen quite often. Most times I start cringing and smacking myself on the forehead thinking, "Why, oh WHY did I just do that?!?" while everyone around me breaks into hysterics. Eventually, I laugh at myself too. Sometimes, really hard. Like today.

Anyone in my family will tell you, it is not uncommon for me to be busting it out on the dance floor (aka our living room) at random moments of the day. I do it for exercise, but tell that to my siblings, and they'd probably laugh and respond, "Really. Is that what she says." (they see right through me- they know where I'm headed. Dancing with the Stars, baby!)

Anyways, today I was doing one of my dance "exercises" to a catchy electro-pop song and getting my cardio in for the day. Right in the middle of this cool interpretive dance... thing, I randomly decided to look out the window (bad move).

My worst nightmare came true. My eyes met with a young woman walking up my driveway. Major cringe moment. It was terrible. I can't even describe my desire to jump into the closet. But I knew she'd seen me, so there was no way I could get out of answering the door.

I didn't know what to do, so I just calmly and nonchalantly opened the door after walking randomly around the house, trying to figure out how to redeem myself. All I could do was try to pull myself together and act like a business woman for this poor girl who just wanted somebody to buy her cookie dough for 4-H.


It seems like incidences like this happen to me quite often. Just a few weeks ago, I was driving my friend to his car. We were stopped at a light where the car in front of us in the left turn lane had his right-turn signal on. After laughing over the abundance of bad drivers in America, I look down at my own blinker, and you guessed it. Looks like the joke was on me. My friend could not believe the irony of it, and we just laughed and laughed. Gotta love those facepalm moments.

Seriously though, embarrassing moments are good reminders that I'm not exempt from making mistakes. All too often I put this pressure on myself to be perfect and think I should be the best at everything without ever messing up. My blonde moments help me to put me back in my place while giving me the freedom to lighten up a little.

I've learned to laugh at myself (I can be pretty funny sometimes.... At least, I think so). And those moments when I just can't laugh at myself, I just laugh at other people (thank you, Tim Hawkins, for that nugget of wisdom :)

So far there is only one embarrassing moment that I still can't laugh about ten years later. All I will say is that it involves me dancing in a leotard. Oh, and I forgot about the time I drew on my face to look like an elf (I need to burn those pictures). Oh yeah, throw in all the stupid videos I've taken of myself and there is some serious blackmail material. Oh dear. It looks like I've still got a ways to go.


More important than talent, strength, or knowledge is the ability to laugh at yourself and enjoy the pursuit of your dreams." Amy Grant

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