Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Simple Christmas

This year, we did Christmas a little bit differently: We did all of our presents over the weekend. And I'm thankful for that because now I can focus on the true meaning of Christmas instead of the superficial traditions.

Sometimes I get so buried in the presents, food, stockings, family time, mirror time (gotta look good for those pictures), Christmas cards, snow, apparel, excitement, and activities that I forget. I forget why it's called Christ-mas Day. I get so wrapped up in Christmas shopping and decking-the-halls that I forget why I am celebrating and what- the birth of Jesus Christ, my Savior.

I myself have had some pretty extravagant birthday parties, but in the end, I often wonder if people actually came to celebrate me and my life, or if they only came for the good food. I betcha God feels the same way... I bet He just wishes we could stop worrying about the tablecloths and wreaths and everything and just focus on the glory, mystery, and humility of the Nativity.

I had an opportunity to go to the Living Nativity production put on by a local church. I sat in awe as I watched, shivering outside in the cold as I'm sure the Holy Family did. I watched as the soldiers galloped with their flaming torches down the steep and treacherous hill to terrorize the shepherds and village people. I saw a donkey carry the Mother of the Christ Child into a stable filled with hay and a manger to lay the newborn baby. I witnessed the camels and horses that carried the Magi to the foot of the only true King. I saw the shepherds leave their warm fires when they saw the angel, to trek in the darkness to the resting place of the Child Jesus. I saw them all bow in homage to Him, and I realized the blessed sacrifice and glory that took place in that stable.

Yes, I know they were all acting. But the reenactment of the Nativity made me realize the splendor of that cold Christmas night. That God chose the humblest and crudest surroundings for the most joyous and glorious event to take place. Yet I am so focused on the celebration and hoop-lah of it all, that I miss the point.

God didn't want the materialistic celebration- He could've chosen a palace for the King to be born, with robes of gold and jewels to wrap Him in, a proper welcome for royalty. He could've had servants to bathe Him, to lather Him with oils and perfumes instead of the stench of barn animals. He could've had entire Kingdoms bow before Him. He is God, after all.

But instead He chose the shepherds. He chose the Magi to bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but not even those gifts could compare to the welcome He deserved. But it was perfect. It was exactly how it was meant to be.

And that is how I should celebrate His birth- simple, yet full of love. Focused entirely on Him and nothing else. My heart should bow in homage to the King in the manger, and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Remember how the story goes,
God's gift was wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Beneath the star, one great and holy night.
The shepherds heard the angels sing,
The wise man brought an offering,
Peace on Earth began in Bethelethm
Have we lost the reason that we celebrate each year?
What is Christmas?
If there never was a Savior wrapped in a manger.
What is Christmas?
If the angels never sang 'Glory to the new born king?'
What is Christmas without Christ?


  1. WOW. Speechless. This was a really good post and reminder that struck me to the core. Thank you for sharing the true meaning of Christmas. Love to you on this Christ-mas day!

  2. By the way SUPER CUTE OUTFIT! ;)
