Sunday, February 2, 2014


All I can say is, Seattle Seahawks KICKED BUTT! Sorry Broncos, but I'm not sorry :) It is finally the day where I can proudly say that my state has won a Super Bowl!

Yes, Lizzy's hair is spiked :) A perfect replica of a crazy fan! And you can't see it, but Devon's hair is braided into tiny little braids (she was going for a Lynch look). Annika has the infamous number "12" painted onto her face. And I am the crazy cheerleader with the pigtails :)

And by the way Russell Wilson... I love the way you openly glorify God :)

Go Hawks. Win many more Super Bowls. Make it loud (we have the record :) Make me proud. Let me be the 12th Man. (I feel like this should be a song :) LOL